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June 23, 2022 SubTopics: (1) “YES, I WAS ARRESTED FOR FRAUD, BUT NOT ENOUGH TO STOP MY GOVERNORSHIP,” SAYS INCUMBENT OGUN STATE GOVERNOR; (2) SURE ENOUGH, THE CRIMINAL HAS WON THE APC TICKET TO REMAIN GOVERNOR IN 2023; (3) EDO STATE ELECTORATE REJECTS THE GANGSTER CALLED ADAMS OSHIOMHOLE, YET APC PICKS HIM AS SENATORIAL CANDIDATE; (4) NIGERIA HAS OVER 200,000,000 CITIZENS, MAJORITY OF WHOM ARE GOOD PEOPLE, YET MOST OF HER RULERS ARE CRIMINALS… This is “No Bullshitting,” and, for the umpteenth time I tell ya, “Nigeria’s Ruling Political Party, the APC, is truly a den of criminals.” And, as I always say, what truly pisses me off, big time, is the impunity of those criminals. They virtually, disdainfully tell us that we can’t do shit to them for being criminals, and they must continue to rule us, whether we like it, or not, meeeeeeeeeeen!!! This criminal impunity was founded by Olusegun Obasanjo, the pioneer president of the nation’s “Fourth Republic,” which commenced in 1999. Obasanjo the corruption founder introduced and instituted murderous election-rigging in the polity. His evil electoral system was structured for political criminals to massacre voters during elections and rig themselves into power. This has ensured that the votes of Nigerians have never counted in all the criminal selections that they have called elections from 1999 ‘til date. Finally, the people have fought and forced the criminals in our national parliament to reform the murderous electoral act. A new 2022 electoral reform has emerged, which drastically reduces the election-rigging elements in Obasanjo’s electoral law. Hence, the coming 2023 general elections will be reasonably different, and the peoples’ votes will begin to count substantially. Folks, this is why I can never understand why the APC crooks in power still continue to exhibit their criminal impunity. That’s also why I have continued to wonder, in the past editions of this series; how the fuck they expect to continue in power, now that our votes will count in the 2023 elections. And yes, that’s why I am on this mission to contribute in gingering Nigerians that we no longer have to accept those crooks to be imposed on us in 2023. The criminals’ only rigging avenue now is vote-buying. And this is what the people must find ways to checkmate in 2023. It is the topic for my next blog, meeeeeeeeeeen!!! My specific focus this time is the criminal impunity of the incumbent governor of a state in southwest Nigeria. He recently confessed to us that, and I quote, “Yes, I was arrested for fraud, but it’s not enough to stop my governorship.” Umm huh, those were the exact words of the incumbent governor of Ogun state, in southwest Nigeria, Dapo Abiodun. He made news in late April, 2022, during APC’s governorship primary to elect its candidate for the 2023 election. Abiodun is gunning for reelection, and his criminality issue came up in a debate. The motherfucker boldly admitted that he is a criminal. He was arrested in the USA in 1986 for credit card fraud. But he submitted that his criminality is not enough reason for him to stop being governor…only possible in Nigeria, meeeeeeeeeeeeeen!!! In addition, the crook also has criminal discrepancies in his educational qualifications submission to the electoral body, the INEC. In a sane society, that crook would hide his face in a dirt-bag and try to hide away from public forever. He would immediately forfeit the seat of governor once the information surfaced. Instead, Governor Abiodun boldly told us that he ain’t going anywhere. He remains the governor, and will run for reelection in 2023; and, we can’t do shit about it! The motherfucker is right, too. “This is Nigeria,” and shit constantly happens, more so now that the APC den of criminals is in power! They force crooks on us as rulers at all levels. The current Speaker of our federal House of Representatives, Mr. Femi Gbajabiamila, has a similar criminal record in the State of Georgia in the USA, too. This was exposed in 2019 when the race for Speakership was on, and APC still insisted to make him the Speaker, which he has remained ‘til date. And now, Governor Abiodun’s criminality was exposed before APC’s recent primary to pick gubernatorial candidates for 2023. Yet, with all the hoopla about his criminality, APC still went ahead and gave Governor Abiodun the ticket to gun for re-election. The APC’s presidential candidate, Bola Ahmed Tinubu, is also a man who Nigerians know his criminal record. All this, once again, is to affirm my position that the party is a den of crooks. What else do you call a party that consistently, knowingly, picks criminals as our rulers at all levels, huh, huh, huh??? If there was any atom of integrity and any atom of sensitivity among APC rulers, they would have denied Governor Abiodun a reelection ticket. They would have denied Tinubu the presidential ticket, too; and others like them. If they had any atom of common sense, folks, they would consider the fact that they can no longer rig elections as they used to do. If they were not so crazy with impunity, they would consider that Nigerians are not likely to vote for criminals in 2023, now that our votes have begun to count, for a change! But they don’t give a fuck about what we think about their criminality. APC’s criminal impunity is truly evil, meeeeeeeeeen!!! Can you imagine what will happen to Nigeria after the current destruction by President Buhari, and then Tinubu leads his APC criminal governors as president for another eight years? I don’t even want to begin to imagine it. And so, I am on this “Let’s reject the APC in 2023” campaign, and this is part 4. Other Nigerian individuals and groups are also on it, and it is my hope that the campaign will blow up as the 2023 elections approach. I hereby admonish the Ogun State voters to reject Governor Abiodun’s re-election at the polls in 2023. We … Continue reading 1001 REASONS WHY NIGERIANS MUST REJECT APC IN THE 2023 ELECTIONS, PART 4