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July 12, 2022 SubTopic: “THE DEAL” NEGOTIATION IS STILL ONGOING BETWEEN CO-WIVES, TONYE AND BIMBO Greetings, folks! This is “No Bullshitting,” by Harry Agina. And, once again, I introduce Michael Shaibu’s “AfroCultural Drama” series on NBB. We are currently addressing Polygamy in Nigeria, West Africa, featuring “The Deal.” This is episode 3 of “The Deal.” Following our custom here, it behoves me to first link you to the first two episodes. We want to do ‘catch-up’ for our new fans who didn’t ‘watch’ them. Yeah, I know, I say ‘watch,’ instead of read, and that’s because that’s what it is, meeeeeeeeeen!!! Umm huh, what we give you here, though in writing, is actually a virtual MotionPicture experience for ya! We try to put the reader right into the scenes of the drama through simple directorial and delivery creation of subliminal imagination. This link takes you to episode 1, which links you to episode 2: https://nobullshiting.com/afrocultural-dramas-on-polygamy-and-the-deal/ In the last episode, we ended with two of the four wives of Waduku—Tonye and Bimbo. They were still negotiating on “The Deal.” And, what is the deal? I’ll tell ya: It is Tonye’s turn to ‘service’ the polygamist, Waduku (aka Duke), in bed tonight. But Tonye is just not in the mood for Duke tonight. Thanks to a pre-nuptial agreement, she has the option to make a deal with any of her three co-wives to substitute for her. Duke doesn’t really give a fuck which of his four wives who ends up ‘servicing’ him tonight. All he cares is that it does happen, shikena (period)! Duke does not want any bullshitting when it comes to his ‘bed-matic’ satisfaction. He wants it, when he wants it, period! And he took care of his own part for steady supply when he married four wives; didn’t he? He even went further to make bed-matic duty roster for his four wives. Furthermore, he ensured his own part of the deal by allowing the four wives to arrange for substitution when one is not willing or not able to service him on her own duty-night. It is Tonye’s turn tonight, and she just doesn’t feel the mood for it. Who knows, maybe a younger dude outside has given her enough for now. After all, it’s not her fault; she wants the bed-matics just as much as Duke wants it, too; maybe even more. Why should it have to happen only when the man wants it, meeeeeeeeeeen!!! Mind you, these are some of the itty-bity issues about polygamy, in Africa. There are positive aspects, but, in some ways, it does pose a question on equality of rights between men and women. Would a typical ‘horny’ American woman, or a Brit, watch her husband in bed-matics with other women, while she aches for it herself? That’s a good question! Why the fuck does Tonye have to wait and starve of sex when she wants it, and her husband is having all the fun with other women; huh? Meanwhile, there’re sugar-sons, or whatever they call the willing young men out there who are ready to satisfy Tonye! So, I say that Tonye probably couldn’t wait for three whole days for her turn with Duke this time. She probably got her shot outside while Duke was having his own fun with her co-wives. And now that it is finally her turn with Duke, she ain’t in the mood anymore, meeeeeeeeeeen!!! Anyway, Tonye is shopping for a substitute love-making mate, or is it sex mate for her husband, among her three co-wives of Duke. So far, Nkem is willing, but not able, because she has to travel. Now we are with Tonye as she tries to convince Bimbo to take the deal. Unfortunately for Tonye, Bimbo is not presently as ‘horny’ as the wet-pants, Nkem, who was eager to service Duke tonight, if only her trip permitted. Either that, or she is playing a game of bluff with Tonye. We are about to find out which of those possibilities, if any, as episode 3 commences, pronto: “THE DEAL” EPISODE 3 INSIDE DUKE’S HOUSE, AT BIMBO’S ROOM’S DOOR BIMBO STANDS AT THE DOOR AND CONTINUES TO LOOK DEEP INTO TONYE’S EYES. TONYE IS STILL GAZING AT BIMBO, SHOCKED… BIMBO: Well…? TONYE Well, what?  Are you really telling me that I have to pay you to sleep with your own husband? BIMBO: Come on, Tonye!  Be reasonable.  I am doing you a favour here.  And you know what they say about one good turn. TONYE: And that is why I must actually pay you before you can sleep with your own husband? BIMBO: Are you kidding me?  Oh, oh, oh…you expected me to sleep with your husband for you for free? TONYE: Sleep with my husband for me?  Is he not your own husband anymore? BIMBO: Realistically, when it is not my turn on the roster, he is as good as being not my husband in bed! TONYE: Jesus Holy Christ!  I don’t believe what… BIMBO (Cuts in): Look, Tonye, you are not in the mood for Duke, and I’m not in the mood either. That makes it a job for me, and you have to pay me to put me in the mood. TONYE (Baffled): But… BIMBO (Cuts in): But, nothing, Tonye! Very well!  Look, I am no longer interested.  Get someone else. SHE GOES BACK IN AND SLAMS HER DOOR ON TONYE’S FACE. TONYE IS SHOCKED AND DISORGANISED AT THE SAME TIME. SHE WALKS AWAY SHAKING HER HEAD… Cut to next scene…  INSIDE, IN THE LOBBY, AT NIGHT. TONYE WALKS TO ANOTHER DOOR AND KNOCKS SOFTLY… MEIRO (Out-of-shot—from her room): Who is it? TONYE: It’s Tonye…I want to see you, please! THE DOOR OPENS AND SOFT MUSIC FILTERS OUT, WITH MEIRO WEARING HER NEGLIGEE AND A SMILE ON… MEIRO (Smiling): Yes? TONYE: Nkem is travelling. MEIRO (Baffled): I know.  We all know that. So…? TONYE: Well, so how would you like to take my place in Duke’s room? MEIRO FIRST RAISES HER EYEBROWS IN SUSPISION … Continue reading NBB “AFROCULTURAL DRAMAS,” FEATURING “THE DEAL,” 3