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July 4, 2022 Thematic Question: DO NKEM AND TONYE CONSUMATE THE FIRST DEAL, OR NOT? Greetings, folks! Here we go again with Michael Shaibu’s drama series on NBB’s “AfroCultural Dramas.” The subject of our premiere series is “Polygamy In Africa.” And the title of the series is “The Deal.” This is episode 2 of “The Deal.” In the premiere episode, we saw Mr. Waduku, who is fondly or affectionately called Duke, and his four wives—Tonye, Bimbo, Meimu, and Nkem—as he assigned them their ‘bedmatic-duties’ with him. And that’s when and how “The Deal” was struck between two of the wives, on what happens whenever one was either unable or undesirous of performing her ‘bedmatic’ duty on the night of her turn. At the end of the episode, we saw the introduction of the first test of the deal between two wives, Nkem and Tonye. If you missed that episode, not to worry. You may wanno watch it first to catch up, before today’s episode. Here’s the link to it: https://nobullshiting.com/afrocultural-dramas-on-polygamy-and-the-deal/ And now, episode 2 of “The Deal”: “THE DEAL,” EPISODE 2 THE FIRST SCENE OPENS IN NKEM’S BEDROOM NKEM’S ROOM, AT NIGHT.  THE ROOM IS DARK AND NKEM IS SLEEPING. THERE COME TAPS ON HER DOOR; IT OPENS WITHOUT RESPONSE; THE LIGHT COMES, AND TONYE STANDS THERE WITH ANXIETY WRITTEN ON HER FACE.  SHE TIPTOES TO TAP KNEM WHO WAKES UP, PRONTO… NKEM (Sotto voce–hushed voice): What is it, Tonye? TONYE (Hushed voice): You need to go to my room and wait for Duke, please? NKEM (Alarmed): What?  But you know my bags are packed.  I have a midnight flight to London tonight and he usually wants it at 5:00 AM! TONYE: A deal is a deal, is a deal, is a deal, Nkem!  Flights can be postponed. NKEM IS SHOCKED, AND STUTTERING, BECAUSE SHE DOES NOT KNOW WHAT TO SAY… Cut to Scene 2… WADUKU’S ROOM AT NIGHT. THE ROOM IS WELL LIT, AND SOUND OF BATHING COMES OUT FROM THE OPEN BATHROOM DOOR. THE ENTRANCE DOOR OPENS. NKEM WALKS IN, SWITCES THE BRIGHT LIGHT OFF LEAVING THE DIM ON, AND GOES INTO BED. SOON THE SOUND OF BATHING STOPS, AND WADUKU WALKS OUT OF THE BATHROOM WEARING BOXERS, WHILE MOPPING HIS BOADY DRY WITH A SMALL TOWEL.  HE SITS AT THE EDGE OF THE BED, DRIES HIS LEGS, THROWS THE TOWEL ON A CHAIR, AND THROW THE COVER AT A SMILING NKEM.  HE IS SHOCKED THAT IT IS NKEM… WADUKU: Nkem?! NKEM: Yes, Duke? NKEM: Where is Sandra? NKEM: You mean, Tonye? WADUKU: Sandra, or Tonye; it does not matter.  You know her name is Sandra, too.  The question is: why are you the one here?  Where is she? NKEM: She and I did a deal.  She came to me to take her place. WADUKU: And why is that? NKEM: Does it matter, Duke?  Come on! NKEM BEGINS TO TOUCH HIS BACK CARESSINGLY. HE HOLDS HER HAND TO STOP HER… WADUKU: You had your turn yesterday.  Besides, you have to travel by midnight. NKEM: I know.  But I called and postponed my flight. WADUKU (Irritated): You what?  Have you any idea how much it cost me to get that appointment for you?  And you just want to throw it all away just because of one stupid deal? NKEM: I am sorry, Duke.  But this deal is so that you do not have to go without… WADUKU (Cuts in angrily): Don’t tell me that!  Must she do the deal with you?  How about Meimu and Bimbo? NKEM (Hurt): Are you indirectly saying you prefer them to me, Duke? WADUKU: Don’t digress.  This is not a matter of preference.  You have a flight to catch to go and keep an appointment that I spend a lot of money to make for you.  And you simply have to go! NKEM: But I already called and postponed! WADUKU: Well, call again and revoke the postponement.  And if it requires paying any administrative fees for that, you will pay it from your own pocket!  Now go and tell Sandra to come or do her deal with someone else! NKEM GRUDGES FOR A WHILE, THEN GETS OUT OF BED AND GOES OUT… Scene 3… HOME LOBBY AT NIGHT. WADULU’S HOME’S LOBBY ACCESSES ALL THE DOORS OF EVERYBODY. TONYE TOPTOES BRISKLY FROM WADUKU’S DOOR TO NKEM’S DOOR; WADUKU’S DOOR OPENS, NKEM COMES OUT, AND WALKS TO TONYE… NKEM (Wearing a disappointed face): He sent me out.  I told you about my flight.  He won’t let me postpone it.  And why are you outside anyway? TONYE (Hushed voice): I was there at the door.  I heard everything.  I just tiptoed here now in case he came out with you.  Gosh, what do I do now? NKEM: But what is the matter anyway?  How long does your period last? TONYE: It is not a period thing.  I am just not in the mood.  And I don’t want him to take offence that I am absent-minded during it. NKEM: Then talk to Meimu or Bimbo. TONYE: Or you talk to them?  Because if I talk to them, I might not be able to change back the deal to you when you come back. NKEM: Okay.  I understand.  Let me call the airline before it get too late.  Excuse me. NKEM OPENS HER DOOR AND GOES IN. TONYE WALKS OFF TOWARDS THE SITTING ROOM… Scene 4… SITTING ROOM AT NIGHT. TONYE WALKS PAST THE SITTING ROOM TO A DOOR AND KNOCKS GENTLY. THE DOOR OPENS, AND BIMBO IS STANDING THERE… BIMBO: Hey! TONYE: Would you like to take my place with Duke tonight? BIMBO (Excited): Why not?  But it will cost you. TONYE (Shocked): What?! BIMBO ONLY SHRUGS AND CONTINUES TO LOOK DEEP INTO TONYE’S EYES. TONYE IS STILL SHOCKED AS HE STARES BACK AT BIMBO… FADE TO BLACK… THE END And so has the deal gone, so far. Watch out for what Michael Shaibu, whom I simply call Mike, has in store for us on the next episode. Will Tonye be able … Continue reading NBB “AFROCULTURAL DRAMAS,” FEATURING “THE DEAL,” EPISODE 2