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2023: Peter Obi leading political revolution – LP Nat. Woman leader

The National Woman Leader of the Labour Party, LP, Mrs. Dudu Manuga, has said that the ongoing political revolution and massive movements by young Nigerians have gone beyond individuals and political parties.

Manuga spoke at a Meet and Greet interactive session with some leaders of women groups in Lagos, on Friday.

According to her, the movements ignited by the LP and its presidential candidate, Mr. Peter Obi, have shown that Nigerians were tired of bad leadership, corruption, worsening insecurity and economic stagnation.

She said: “If you look at what’s going on now in the country, it’s no longer about politics, it’s a revolution, a massive movement. It shows that Nigerians have reached that point of saying we are tired, we have had enough of things the way they are and we want a change. A lot of things are not going right with the country and it seems that nobody that should care is caring especially those in leadership.

“People are tired of what has been, and where the political leaders have brought us to. So Peter Obi has come to give them a glimpse of that change that they want to see, he’s the one giving Nigerians hope.

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