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Greetings of the yuletide season, folks!

Today’s subject is the madness of the destruction of the African culture and traditions by African idiots. The motherfuckers want to assume and live the life and culture of ‘the white man.’ Many years ago, ignorant and/or mischievous ‘white man’ told Africans and some other peoples of the world that their cultures and traditions where bad. In fact, they branded non-European cultures as evil. Today, right-thinking and objective ‘white man’ has admitted that it was an error by his forefathers. I sum up a common basic ideology of the average objective ‘white man’ today, thus: “All the cultures of the world are equal and legitimate, as they are in the eye of God; and, there is, indeed, beauty in the diversity of the cultures.” Sadly and ironically, the Africans are now the ones denigrating and destroying the African culture, while the contemporary white man sneers at our madness.

This is a special topic for me. I am a scholar and a disciple of the gospel of the need to promote, protect and preserve all the cultures of the world. Naturally, I am especially interested in the African Culture. And, here is my thematic question for you: Have you ever wondered what the world would be like if all the peoples of the world were exactly the same in everything. In other words, what if Africans, Chinese, Indians, Americans, Europeans, etc, had the same culture, same character, same language, same skin color, and everything else? As you think of your answer, I will give you mine, thus: The world would be too fucking boring if we were all the same. Variety is the spice of life, meeeeeeeeeen!!!

This is a true story of a she-devil who deceived a so-called custodian of Igbo Culture to commit a sacrilege of destroying traditions of the African culture. In due time in my story, you will get to know how I was used to unwittingly support the sacrilege by a she-devil. No wonder, I have special interest in this, beyond my professional journalistic interest.

The custodian is Bennett Amaukwu. He occupies the Throne of the Traditional Ruler of the “Umudim” District of Nnewi Town, in Anambra State of southeast Nigeria. The throne and its occupant are called “The Obi of Umudim”, or just “Obi Umudim”, for short, which means the Paramount Throne, and the Paramount Chief of Umudim District of Nnewi.

It is said that if salt loses its salty taste, then it is no longer salt, and it becomes absolutely useless as a condiment for any food. Indeed, it becomes as useless as ordinary sand. By the same token, when a traditional ruler in Igbo land, or any land for that matter, destroys the Culture and Traditions of the land that he is given in trust by the people to promote and protect, then he is no longer useful on the throne.


The town of Nnewi is sectioned into four Districts, which are also known as Quarters, namely: Otolo, Uruagu, Umudim, and Nnewichi Districts. Traditionally, each of the Quarters is “ruled” by a male who is titled the “Obi” (Paramount Chief) of the Quarter. And, the four “Obi” thrones of the Districts, their lesser community chiefs, and their respective subjects, are under an overall Traditional Ruler of the entire town of Nnewi. He is titled the “Igwe” (King) of Nnewi, or, simply, “Igwe Nnewi.” Essentially, the Nnewi Culture and Traditions are similar in many ways to the Culture and Traditions of the entire Igbo race, with variations, of course. And, by extension, the Igbo Culture and Traditions share commonalities with the entire Nigerian Culture, just as Nigeria shares similarities with what the outside world knows as the African Culture.


Akamili is one of the villages in Umudim District. Akamili comprises few communities with their lesser chiefs, including “Umuogo Community” against whom “Obi Umudim” committed the sacrilege. A son of “Umuogo”, Mr. Chidozie Raymond Aghaji died in early October, 2021. His widow, Ozoemena hurriedly buried the corpse, without involving the man’s kins as tradition demands. It is noteworthy that Ozoemena has no adult male child. She fronted the name of an under-age boy as her authority to violate every funeral tradition of the land, in a very strange and suspicious move with her own kindred of Umudioka town. To the great surprise and bafflement of the people, the “Obi Umudim” encouraged and supported the widow’s plot. Every indigene of Igbo land (not just Nnewi) knows this to be absolute cultural sacrilege, an abomination!!!

Many do wonder why “Obi Umudim”, Bennett Amaukwu, supported such sacrilege. So, speculation and rumour emerged that Ozoemena believes in “bottom-power” as a woman, hence she probably bribed Amaukwu with sex and money. Well, I am a professional journalist (broadcast and print), and I know not to accuse the couple based on rumour and speculation without proof. However, I do have every legal right to state some background facts about the acts and behaviors of Ozoemena and her cohorts, which led to the suspicion of foul play by the dead man’s kindred. I can also posit that if there is any credibility check and rascality control in the Traditional Institution of Nnewi Town, Bennett Amaukwu should be dethroned, because he betrayed his people and the throne. He is one of the ignorant or/and corrupt persons in Igbo land, Nigeria, and Africa in general, who want to destroy the African Culture and replace it with bastardized foreign cultures. Umudim deserves a Chief who will protect and preserve the culture. Obviously, traditional thrones can only remain alive and legitimate if the culture and traditions of the land are preserved. Like salt that loses its salty taste, a traditional throne becomes absolutely useless if the culture and traditions of the land are no more.

This paragraph and the next are significant in this true story, due to whispers and rumour of possible foul play that has been making the round in the dead man’s community. He had fallen ill in early 2020 before covid-19 pandemic emerged. He relocated from his business sojourn in Abuja to his home town Nnewi, where his kins looked after him in his sick bed. Ozoemena had left him since 1998 (23 years ago), living the life of an absolute single woman; no wonder, she has an older (over 80 years of age) mischievous man named Okey Okeke (indigene of Nnewichi District of Nnewi) as her boyfriend. She only resurfaced in 2021 to her husband in his sick bed in Nnewi, with her boyfriend Mr. Okeke, just a few months before he died.

When Ozoemena and Okeke showed up, they dismissed Raymond’s kins who were cooking for him and taking care of him in his sick bed, and replaced them with strangers who nobody in the village knew. Raymond was known to be recovering before this replacement. In fact, I personally spoke with him over the phone just before the replacement. He sounded improved, and he said so to me, too. Just few weeks later, the man dropped dead. Now, you know that I am an Umuogo Community indigene myself, and the dead man was actually my cousin. The point here is that, due to Ozoemena’s suspicious, peculiar behavior and acts shortly before and after Raymond died, some members of Raymond’s kindred have reasons to suspect that he was probably poisoned to death. And so, we wanted an autopsy performed before his burial. But his widow Ozoemena, her boyfriend, and “Obi Umudim” made this impossible. Ozoemena moved the corpse from the mortuary where his kins had stored it before she showed up, and hid it in an unknown location, until the hurried burial on November 18, 2021, without involving his kins. “Obi Umudim” boasted to Raymond’s kins that he told Ozoemena to move the corpse; and dared them to, I quote, “do your worst.”

Again, for legal-correctness, I was very quick to caution my people not to accuse Ozoemena of killing her husband based on mere suspicion and speculation, which nobody can prove in court. This is the 21st century, and not the 16th century when widows were frivolously accused of killing their husbands, I always say.

But, unlike this, and the sex-and-money bribery rumour about “Obi Umudim” that cannot be legally confirmed, all my statements about Mr. Okeke are facts. He is the widow’s lover, and was so even when her husband was alive. Indeed, Okeke is a very boastful radical, and he recklessly boasted to “Umuogo” people, including me personally when I confronted him over the phone, that he was fully involved to instigate and financially sponsor Ozoemena’s sacrilege, a woman who is just one in his harem of women.

It is noteworthy that all the regions of the world are very proud of their cultures and traditions, and they do everything possible to preserve them. Sadly, only the African people, especially Nigerians, are bent on destroying our culture and cultural traditions.

It is more disheartening when so-called custodians of our culture, such as Bennett Amaukwu, are championing this senseless trend. They have all manner of senseless excuses for this treacherous act, the most common being misguided Christianity. And, speaking of misguided Christianity, I have to mention the un-Christ-like role of a so-called Vicar of Immanuel Church Akamili in the saga.

Ozoemena and her boyfriend Okeke paid Reverend Emeka Aralu a sum of 20 thousand naira to officiate the Christian rites at the funeral of Raymond Aghaji, despite all the entreaties by the community not to do it. It is a fact that the Bishop of Nnewi Anglican Diocese had advised Reverend Aralu against his act. The Bishop himself revealed this to “Uumuogo” community delegates who visited him to intervene in the matter, but, apparently, Ozoemena’s 20 thousand naira was more powerful to Reverend Aralu in the degenerated Contemporary Commercialized Christianity in Nigeria, than the Bishop’s advice.

Now, I will tell you what made the 20 thousand naira payment to Revd Aralu very suspiciously peculiar. Mr. Okeke gave his own bank cheque to the Vicar on September 12, 2021. That was before Raymond died in October 2021, which suggests that they probably expected him to die. And, for a man who was on the road to recovery, it’s another strong reason to suspect foul play in his death.

If you ask Mr. Okeke and Ozoemena Aghaji, they would probably claim that they were just donating to the welfare of the Vicar because they love him so much. But, what do you think? My “Invasion of The Funky Pastors” book frowns at Revd Aralu’s kind of commercial Christianity, but that’s story for another day. I am conscious of legal-correctness, hence, I can’t accuse Ozoemena and Okeke; I can only state known facts, then, postulate or speculate, and then let my readers be the judge.

Assuring you of the veracity of this story, I tell you that the N20k is a fact; Okeke gave my own unsuspecting sister the cheque to deliver to Reverend Aralu. Now, check this out: A community approached a “Man of God” to call a meeting and broker peace between disputants, but he refused, apparently because he already collected N20k from one party even before the pre-planned dispute.

So, a so-called “Man of God” who should promote peace, prejudicially took a side in the dispute, for mere N20k, at the expense of African Culture!!! I will preempt your likely question, and tell you that Raymond did not owe any church dues. I know for sure, because my cousin, Ebere Aghaji, sister to Raymond who took care of him in his sick bed, informed me that he had told her that he had paid all his church dues, as always. Hence, the N20k that Aralu received was a personal largess.

As they say, Africans who imported Christianity from the West are now ignorantly, immorally, or criminally being more Catholic than the Pope, by deviating from Christ’s teachings and destroying our culture, an act that successive Catholic Popes do not agree with. In fact, the late Pope John Paul II, declared during his reign that, I quote: “Different peoples of the world must be taught the Christian religion according to their different cultures.”

This is in accordance with some contents of our Christian Bible. For one thing, Jesus Christ respected and supported culture, cultural traditions and identity. He agreed with the fact that no people of the world can exist sensibly without those qualities. This is proven by the fact that Christ’s first miracle of turning water into wine was performed in a traditional marriage event, in Cana, Galilee. Surely, just like other regions, we must condemn and abrogate some traditions that are un-Christ-like and evil. For instance, we have wisely abrogated the terrible ancient tradition of killing of twins; but we cannot afford to throw away our entire culture, just like throwing our baby away with bathwater.

The treacherous act of our so-called custodian of culture, the “Obi Umudim”, Bennett Amaukwu, is more strange and suspicious to my people, than the suspicious acts of Ozoemena, her boyfriend, and her “Umudioka” kindred. According to the act of “Obi Umudim”, Ozoemena and her people of Umudioka, a smaller Town in Anambra State, had the right and power to determine the date and method for the traditional funeral rites of the people of the much bigger and more prominent Nnewi Town. Maybe Bennett Amaukwu should migrate to Umudioka and become their “Obi.”

Now, I will tell you why this story is personal and sad to me. When I address Ozoemena Aghaji as she-devil, my reason is legitimate and strong. She earned it because she devilishly used me to get hold of the payment receipt for the mortuary where Raymond was stored, to get hold of the corpse. As usual, she was not around when he died, so, the corpse was deposited in the mortuary by his kin who had the receipt. The story of Ozoemena’s evil machination to use me to get hold of the receipt would extend this piece too long; please suffice with the following abridged gist of it.

My kins who knew Ozoemena’s dubious character and had suspected her evil plot, refused to give her the mortuary receipt. She switched on her she-devil character to capitalize on my own character to get it. She knows that American upbringing makes me to stand for democracy more than an average Nigerian; and she knows that I am actually a feminist too. So, my belief was that there is nothing wrong if Ozoemena possessed the receipt, after all, she is the man’s widow, and she might want to visit a few times to see the corpse. I was too naive to even consider that Ozoemena was fighting for the receipt because she had plans to bury our brother without the traditional involvement of his kindred. And, importantly to her, she wanted to bury the corpse in a hurry, much sooner than the date that the kindred had already set.

I actually asked Ozoemena why all the rush to bury our brother. Her response was actually nonsensical enough to wake me up to smell her evil plot; but, unfortunately, I was stupidly naïve with trust.

I guess she bewitched me with her thousand-and-one lies and false promises. For one, the bitch swore and promised to completely submit to my recommendation to approach peacefully her dispute with the entire kindred, which started seven years ago because of her madness and another sacrilege that she committed then. And, guess what? As soon as I made the mortuary receipt to enter Ozoemena’s hand, the evil bitch cut off communication with me, from mid-October 2021 ‘til date. Instead, she put on her she-devil combatant garment to fight a cultural tradition of the Igbo (African) people. I trust that my reader now understands that Ozoemena Aghaji is truly a she-devil, to me. She deceived me just as the devil deceives humanity and leads us into trouble. Yes, I say trouble, because Ozoemena put me in serious trouble with my kins in my village, for my role in her acquisition of the receipt. I may even have to pay a fine for it, meeeeeeeeeen!!!

In conclusion, and contrary to the abominable act of Bennett Amaukwu the “Obi Umudim”, I recall that once upon a time few years back, the current “Igwe Nnewi” decided to discontinue an age-old traditional “Ofala Nnewi” Festival. Nnewi people condemned and rejected it; and the wise Igwe who is sensitive to the will of his people immediately recanted his position, and allowed the “Ofala Nnewi” Festival to continue, and growing to higher heights ever since. I trust, that you trust, that I ain’t bullshitting ya, meeeeeeeen!!!

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