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July 30, 2022


This is “No Bullshitting,” by Harry Agina.

Greetings, folks!

My first subtitle above is the point of attack and the driver of this blog. “I am tired, and can’t wait to retire.” Those were the recent paraphrased words of President Mohammadu Buhari of Nigeria. I do believe that Mr. President means it, you know! He is truly no longer interested in running Nigeria. And this is why people like me promptly ask, “So, why, why, why???!!! Gotta! I bet that you thought that I meant, why does he want to retire to Daura; right? No fucking way! I mean, why is it that Mr. President refuses to do himself, and the rest of the world a favor, and quit already, like yesterday, meeeeeeeeeeeeeen?!!!

This is a man who can’t wait to retire, yet, he refuses to quit now, why?! This is where I hinge my commentary today. My thematic question is, why is it that Buhari refuses to heed the loud call for him to quit? The man virtually confesses that he is no longer interested in governance, yet, he refuses to quit! I have blogged about this more than once before, albeit in passing sometimes. That was long before Buhari’s recent virtual confessions of being tired, and finally admitting that Nigeria’s insecurity is quite alarming. When I observe Buhari now, I see a nonchalant attitude of a man who is no longer enthused about ruling Nigeria. I take it that he has achieved a bit of his life ambition of Fulanizing and Islamizing Nigeria. As I see it, his sole interest has always been to empower his Muslim Fulani people. But mind you, I have also always said that empowering one’s own people is not really such a bad thing on its own. Buhari’s Fulanization could have been okay, if only he didn’t take it to his destructive, extremist, bigoted-cum-clannish heights, meeeeeeeeeen!!!

I have also regretted that, in his obsession, Buhari only picked the ‘wrongest’ sect of Fulani race to empower. Sadly, advertently and inadvertently, he mostly empowered jihadist terrorists, and jihadist herdsmen, by words and deeds. And he did this in the ‘wrongest’ ways, too! Umm huh, the man has done enough to earn himself some “Conspiracy-Theories” among Nigerians. The theories transcend his known leadership incompetence. Some allege that Buhari is actually complicit in the terrorism that is consuming Nigeria. The good people of the Fulani race are complaining, too, just as much as other races, meeeeeeeeeeeen!!!

Anyway, let’s ‘cut back to the chase,’ and the ‘chase’ is Buhari’s recent confession! Yes, indeed, the duties of a president have overwhelmed President Buhari. He has confessed this in various ways. But, like I said, the truth is that the man wasn’t ever ready to be president of Nigeria in a democracy, anyway. He is clearly a Fulani president. He has now achieved a fraction of his Fulanization agenda, and he is now more than eager to see the end of his tenure. He doesn’t really give a fuck about whatever is happening in Nigeria anymore. And this is why the focal point and ‘catch-phrase’ of this blog is—yet, Mr. President refuses to quit now to save Nigeria! This is my consistent operative phrase. You may call it the chorus for this little song of mine today. Umm huh! Let’s repeat my theme in a different way—Muhammadu Buhari is no longer interested in ruling Nigeria. Yet, he refuses to quit, in the face of his disastrous rulership! He refuses to let a competent hand to take over and start repairing his damages now, before it gets too late! And, to many Nigerians, this makes Buhari, truly very wicked to Nigerians. This is the mother of several conspiracy theorists and their theories. Some insist that Buhari refuses to go now for one of two possible reasons, or both.

One, “Buhari has not yet concluded his Fulanization jihad, and he wants to ensure full success before the end of this year. No, wonder, the terrorist attacks are getting worse and bolder every day.” Putting it bluntly, such theorists believe that Buhari is possibly complicit in the current terrorism in Nigeria. They believe that Buhari is aiding and abetting the terrorists in various ways. At best, other critics believe that “Buhari may not necessarily be personally complicit, because he is not in the right frame of mind most of the time.” Yap, Buhari’s own wife did say, repeatedly and publicly, at various times, that a cabal is running Nigeria, and not her husband.

Now, one thing is for sure! It is a known fact that Buhari’s armed forces are definitely, certainly complicit in the terrorism, period! The culprits support the terrorists in several confirmed ways. What is in doubt at the moment is whether Buhari approves the acts of the complicit personnel, or not. Again, some theorists believe that Buhari does not know about the atrocities of his armed forces. “It is by renegade jihadist Fulani officers in positions of command,” they argue. Other theorists insist that “Buhari is directly complicit. It is Buhari’s jihadist agenda. In fact, it is very unlikely that the 2023 elections will not happen. They don’t want power to leave the hands of the Fulani oligarchy. Buhari did something similar in 1983 when he thwarted power-shift with military coup.”

The second conspiracy-theory-possibility in Buhari refusal to quit is that, “The cabal that controls his government won’t allow him to leave now.” Umm huh, the members of the cabal probably insist that Buhari must complete his tenure before he steps down. My non-Nigerian readers must wonder why. Every discerning Nigerian knows the likely answer, thus—the cabal members need more time to complete their plots to steal Nigeria completely blind before they leave! The theorists ask, “Why else would Mr. President refuse to quit, huh? This is a man who has virtually confessed that he has been overwhelmed by the Nigerian problem. And he’s the one who nurtured relatively minor problem into this monster that we have now. He also said that he is eager to retire to his farm. Yet he still refuses to heed the call of Nigerians to quit now? Why, why, why, huh???” But, hey, remember that I didn’t say all this on my own. Nigerians do, every fucking day! I have few other general reasons why a majority of Nigerians insist that Buhari’s refusal to quit is wicked, thus:

Rather than sit in his office and address the problems that he nurtured into a monster for Nigeria, Buhari is busy jetting around the world. He obviously doesn’t want to work…yet, he refuses to quit! Why? Wickedness! That’s what many Nigerians call it! The critics insist that it takes a devilishly sadistic wicked person to do what he is doing. He sees that his actions are getting people massacred every day…and yet, he refuses to quit! The old man is obviously scared of being in Nigeria most of the time since he became president. It’s either that, or Nigeria disgusts the hell outta him…yet, Mr. Insensitive President refuses to quit office!

Mr. President jets out of Nigeria most times that insecurity soars in the country and people are getting massacred and kidnapped. He finds all manner of senseless excuses to jet out of the country once or twice every fucking month, on the average! Some of his excuses for the uncountable trips are so ridiculous that they are unbelievable! It is obvious that he just wants to run away from his responsibilities! Let’s look at his latest most-ridiculous excuse to jet out to Liberia, West Africa, for instance. I have a thematic question to start it. How does Buhari whose country has been taken over by terrorists, go to another country to give a lecture on security, of all things, huh? I swear, I’m still trying to force my brain to believe that I actually heard that news correctly! Did Buhari truly travel to Liberia to lecture the country on security? It’s got to be the most laughable joke of the century, meeeeeeeeeen!!!

I mean, how did that idea even come up at all…from whom, and why? Who invited Buhari to such a forum? Is his host truly okay in the head? Or, is it some kind of mockery in disguise? It must be! The Liberian president probably wanted to mock Buhari about the terrible state of insecurity in Nigeria. So, he probably invited Buhari just to see what he would say, in order to make a joke of him. Let’s face it, the only sincere lecture that President Buhari can give anywhere on security, is insecurity! He can teach Liberians how to grow and nurture banditry and jihadist-terrorism in any country, period! His excuse to jet out to Liberia is truly downright disgraceful!

What we have here is a classic case of a man who is “pursuing rats while his house is on fire.” Or a man who is trying to remove a little spec out of another man’s eye, while he has a huge log in his own eye! Buhari’s country is on fire with insecurity, which he nurtures. And he went off on some kind of delirious Massahinic security mission to save another country. And that was just a couple of days after two or three major terrorist attacks in Nigeria, including one on his own motorcade. What does the man have to offer Liberia on security, huh? This has got to be the joke of the century, indeed! He jetted out to Liberia shortly after terrorists threatened to kidnap him and the governor of Kaduna State, El-Rufai. A true president would feel insulted and get offended by the threat. A serious president would launch a serious offensive on the terrorists for their audacity. But not our insensitive Buhari! Instead, I see a Buhari who finds any and every excuse to run away from this responsibility. And yet, this insensitive president refuses to throw in the towel, to save Nigeria!

Nigerians are crying that he must resign and let a competent hand take over and save Nigeria…yet, Mr. Insensitive President refuses to quit!

Nigerians are calling on the compromised crooks who are called federal lawmakers to kick Buhari out of office for us. The crooks refuse to obey. Their leadership is comprised of criminals who Buhari is apparently blackmailing with their criminal records. So, is not sacred of the loot-makers recent stupid and empty threat to impeach him. And still, Mr. Insensitive President refuses to quit!

I like to repeat key points in my commentaries, for emphasis. So, do remember, Mr. President has openly told us, very recently, and I paraphrase, “I look forward to 2023 when I will retire to my farm in Daura.” And yet, Mr. Insensitive President refuses to throw in the towel now. He refuses to let a capable hand to save Nigeria, before it is too late! He is obviously more interested in ‘jetting’ around the world for fun, funded by Nigeria, before he leaves office. No wonder, Mr. Insensitive President refuses to quit office, meeeeeeeeeeeeen!!!

It is indeed wicked that President Buhari refuses to toe the line of honor, for a change, and resign from office now! It is the only honorable thing to do, to save Nigeria. But unfortunately, we are talking about a man who apparently has no iota of integrity left in him. Yet, this is a man who was sold to us in 2015 as Mr. Integrity! The 2019 so-called presidential election is a different story altogether. Nigerians didn’t actually vote for Buhari in 2019, not after his woeful first term performance. Now, it would have been honorable for him, for a change, to break the evil sit-tight jinx that has bedeviled Nigeria’s leadership for us, and quit office now. It would be good for him to allow a capable hand to commence now to repair his humongous damages to and on Nigeria…but no, Mr. Insensitive President refuses to quit, meeeeeeeen!!!

So, I have given the verdict of Nigerians. They insist that President Mohammadu Buhari has been very wicked to Nigerians in a few ways. And, his refusal to heed their call to quit office now probably takes the prize in wickedness! I trust, that you know, that I ain’t bullshitting ya, meeeeeeeen!!!

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