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February 19, 2022

This is “No Bullshiting,” by Harry Agina.

Nigeria’s president, Mohammadu Buhari, first rejected the idea of electoral reform in Nigeria in 2018. At the time, I attributed his unpatriotic act to two possible reasons. The primary one was Buhari’s survival instinct, and it was pretty much obvious at the time. The man knew that he could not possibly be re-elected as second-term president in the 2019 election, if he signed the electoral bill into law. His first-term performance was woeful, and he knew that he would lose in a “free-and-fair” election, which a reformed law would engender. To me, that meant that, unlike Goodluck Jonathan, Buhari placed more value on his political success than the lives of Nigerians. On December 10, 2018, I blogged about it, and I sub-titled it, Does Buhari Intend To Rig Nigeria’s 2019 Elections?” If you want to read it first, here is the link to it: https://nobullshiting.com/buharis-rejection-of-the-2018-electoral-act-amendment-bill/

At the end of this piece, I will give you another link to my second, more explosive commentary on the saga of electoral reform in Nigeria. It is a fact  that, under the current Electoral Law, evil politicians murder scores of Nigerians through election-rigging thuggery. Hence, I reached my standing verdict that whosoever that rejects electoral reform for Nigeria, does not give a damn about the lives of Nigerians, meeeeeeeen!!!

Buhari has since won his so-called re-election in the 2019 presidential election. After that, I have been hopeful that he would go ahead and embrace Nigeria’s electoral reform. I was hoping that Mr. President would want to leave this one legacy for himself. I thought that he would want it to help some Nigerians to forget his all-round woeful performance as a president. He can no longer be re-elected, hence, he should care less now about favorable election-righing law; right? Wrong! This is where the second reason that I attribute to Buhari’s rejection of electoral reform comes into play. I speak of my Fulani Oligarchy Conspiracy Theory, folks! Um huh, I truly believe that the oligarchs are scared of losing their control over Nigeria’s politics, and Nigeria. They know, or should know, that a reformed law will not favor the oligarchy’s perpetual control agenda. And, I do believe that their fear is legitimate, meeeeeeeeen!!!

All that, to say that I sense the hand of the Fulani Oligarchy at work in the current tussle concerning Nigeria’s 2021 electoral reform bill. A little birdie somewhere tells me, in a tiny voice, that the oligarchs do not want Buhari to sign the bill. A reformed electoral law with rigging-free provisions smells to me like bad news for the Fulani Oligarchy. For one thing, it is a popular belief among southern Nigerians that the north has been manipulating national elections with bogus population figures. If this is true, as soon as the reform bill becomes a law, such manipulation is dead, or, at least, reduced to the barest minimum.

But, before I continue on this path, I want to quickly reaffirm my standing position on the oligarchy matter. I do believe that the Fulani Oligarchs are not necessarily doing anything wrong by plotting to be in control of Nigeria forever. In fact, it is an intelligent and brave agenda. Power is taken, and hardly ever given! Show me any man who claims not to want to own the entire world and the power therein, and I would show you a fool, or a hypocrite. Of course, I do know that there are many insane hypocrites such as Minister Rotimi Amechi. The dude insanely told us that he does not like money. Yet, he has been indicted for allegedly stealing billions of naira, and physical evidence suggests that he is guilty, fuckermother!!!

Yeah, I know, there are saints on earth, especially among the born-again Pentecostal Christians; right? And they don’t like money, supposedly; right? Wrong! Tell that to the Marines, I always say! Sure, you may be a humanitarian saint, for instance, but that’s even the more reason for you to own the world. You would want to solve all those human problems that make your saintly heart ache when you see the underprivileged; right? Well then, it takes wealth and power to do that. So, nope, wealth and power are not the roots of evil; their evil use is our problem. And, nope, I don’t really have much problem with the domineering agenda of the Fulani oligarchs. It’s only important to me that they do not commit atrocities in the process, shikena (that’s all)!

The oligarchs have every right to pursue their political ambition, as long as they play by the acceptable rules. And, if they continue to control the nation, then my blame is on the other races of Nigeria who, like sissies, allow it to happen, period!!! If the Fulani oligarchs outsmart or outwit you, I say to non-Fulani politicians, don’t fucking come crying to me. An American idiom says, “Don’t get mad (angry), get even,” motherfucker! Don’t get angry and come complaining to me like a sissy, try and beat the Fulani oligarchs in the game. Just be sure to do it “fair-and-square,” meeeeeeeeeen!!!

So, if the Fulani oligarchs frustrate the passing of the 2021 Electoral Law Reform Bill, then other races must think of how to change the odds against them. For instance, we already know, for a fact, that our National Loot-makers that we call lawmakers are compromised. We already know that they may never veto the president to pass the bill. So, what do we do next? Sit on our asses and complain all year long and continue to get mad? I don’t think so! I think that we should get even with every legitimate arsenal that our constitution provides for. Like, how about occupying our National Assembly, to force the loot-making motherfuckers to do our bidding. We are their fucking bosses, meeeeeeeeeeen!!!

Anyway, back to a specific Fulani oligarch, our president, Mohammadu Buhari. It appears that he considers everything in Nigeria to be about north-south dichotomy competition. He seems very uninterested in being a Nigerian president; he only wants to be a northern Nigeria president. He is still refusing to sign our electoral reform bill because, apparently, some powers that be in the north do not want him to do it. We are talking about a man who is unapologetically, openly clannish. For instance, he actually openly defended the Boko Haram terrorist group at its budding stage, when they could have been nipped in the bud. Um huh, in 2013, Buhari did openly condemn President Jonathan for attack on Boko Haram terrorists by Nigeria soldiers. In June, 2013, Buhari declared that “An attack on Boko Haram is a great injustice against the north.” Among other platforms, he featured as “Guest of the Week” of the Kaduna-based “Liberty Radio.” He described the then military attack on Boko Haram as an attack on the north. In his north-south dichotomy clannishness, he compared Boko Haram to the Niger Delta militants. He insisted that Boko Haram should receive similar settlement as the Niger Delta militants.

The militants had fought for their denied-rights to their God-given oil wealth, and against the pollution of their land. Boko Haram’s purpose is to kill western education. But, our president did not seem to see any difference between Boko Haram and the Niger Delta militants. It seemed that all that mattered to him was that Boko Haram is a northern Muslim group, his kin. Before you proceed on this piece, maybe you should first hear Doyin Okupe’s 2013 interview about Buhari’s comment, on YouTube. It’s a very short clip, and you can dash in and out, before this piece notices that you’re gone. Here is the link: https://youtu.be/Vq0MFpRmrYU.

And, mind you, it is not really the entire north and all its racial diversity that Buhari cares for; no sir, no ma’am! For Buhari, it seems to be all about the Fulani race interests. Narrowing it one step down, his interest is not really about the entire Fulani race either. If he had the entire Fulani race at heart, the Fulani masses would have benefited from his rules. He was a Military Head of State in 1983 to 1985, and he is presently a president in a demo-crazy. Have the Fulani masses benefited from Buhari’s rules? Nope, I don’t think so! They are still as poor as ever. So, it is actually all about the Fulani Oligarchy and the interests of the few oligarchs. They feed fat and live in luxury, only throwing the food crumbs with zero luxury to the Hausa-Fulani masses. Heck, they don’t even throw down enough crumbs to the masses, no sir, no ma’am. Instead, the masses are handed some bowls and thrown into the streets to beg for food, in the name of “Almajari.”

Folks, always remember that No Bullshiting Blog (NBB) is completely bereft of the stupid ethno-religious sentiments that constitute the bane of Nigeria. Sure, I am of the Igbo extraction, but my blogs are never, and will never be “for” the Igbo people. It is for Messrs Truth, Objectivity, and Sincerity, period! Unlike too many Nigerians, I have zero tolerance for stupid ethno-religious solidarity. You ask a recalcitrant Igbo person, for example, to explain to you why he is supporting a bad Igbo person in a national discourse, the motherfucker simply says “Igbo-Solidarity.” Mind you, he does know that the subject is a criminal, and bad in other ways. But, all that is forgotten, as long as the bad guy is of the Igbo race. Next, he tells you that “they should talk about the bad people in other tribes.” So, Igbo crooks must go free, and continue their criminality because they are your Igbo kin, I always ask? Pure madness!!! And, of course, this stupidity goes for all the other tribes, too. On issues such as this, I thank God that I did not grow up in Nigeria. Who knows, maybe if I did, I would have imbibed such tribalistic stupidity, meeeeeeeeen!!!

Now, don’t you get me wrong, y’hear me so? I have not said here that I am a saint. No sir, no ma’am; and I don’t wanno be one either! I’m cool with my little mischief here and there, like other humans. All I’m saying is that whatever that I say under NBB is truly to the best of my knowledge. I’m driven by the NBB Sincerity-Cum-Objectivity motto…never sectional or hypocritical. Of course, at the right times, I will always speak out for my people who are being persecuted, and for positive Igbo causes. There’s a clear difference with the stupid tribal solidarity with bad persons and their bad deeds, meeeeeeeeeen!!!

As a matter of fact, my blogs are harder on my Igbo folks who are bad, than their non-Igbo counterparts. Um huh, and, many don’t seem to understand my reason for this. I’ve said this a gazillion times, but I’m willing to say it a gazillion times more. I believe that the most stupid mentality that I have seen in Nigeria is the “Ethno-religious Solidarity” crap, and I’ll tell you why, pronto! He or she who plays the stupid solidarity game is actually destroying his/her community that he/she claims to support. Yap! Your fucked-up solidarity is not with the Igbo race; you are pledging solidarity with criminals in the Igbo race. They are destroying the Igbo community, and the nation at large.

So, I’m like…other races may pledge their stupid solidarity to bad guys who destroy their communities, if they insist. But I don’t want my Igbo race to be that stupid. Our common enemies are the bad guys in every race, and not the races. Pledge your solidarity with the good guys in every race. Solidarity with the bad guys in your race is absolutely stupid, meeeeeeeeeeen!!!

Presently, Nigerians are resoundingly calling on our president, Mohammadu Buhari, to be a Nigerian president, for a change. We urge him to give Nigeria a reformed Electoral Act, to bequeath to us a good governance system. Unfortunately, it seems that there is truly a strong conspiracy to ensure that this does not happen. Nothing else makes sense to me, as Buhari continues to torment Nigerians with his characteristic suspenseful, deafening quietness over the bill. He ain’t signing, and he ain’t talking to us either. And, I tell ya, I sense the machinations of the Fulani Oligarchy at work. If so, then, Buhari may never sign the electoral bill, as I have always suspected. I do pray that he does, though, but I’m afraid that he may not. Nigerians should be coming up already with a strategy to force our loot-makers to veto Mr. President, and, I ain’t bullshiting ya, meeeeeeeeen!!!

Here is a link to another one of my previous commentaries on the saga of electoral reform in Nigeria: https://nobullshiting.com/the-evils-of-nigerias-9th-assembly-lootmakers/

And, here is the promised link to a 2013 report on Buhari’s 2013 Boko Haram comment: http://www.afripol.org/afripol/item/1205-buhari-military-offensive-against-boko-haram-anti-north.html.

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