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Note: First published on February 1, 2021. The “published” date on the tab is the date that it was uploaded on this new site. Though some issues in this piece may still be current (depending on…), this is to avoid mistaking the piece as current news.

This is “No Bullshiting”, by Harry Agina.

Greetings, folks!

The thematic question of the above title—“What have the Igbo people done to deserve constant and consistent persecution by Nigerian governments?” is not from Harry Agina; no, sir, or ma’am!!! It was a rhetoric question by the President General of the “Eastern Union Congress,” Chief Edozie Ezeugwa, who is also a member of the “Ime Obi Ohaneze Ndigbo” in Abuja. He posed the question during an interview on AIT’s “Kaakaki” Morning Show of January 29, 2021. The topic of discussion was the confrontation between Nigeria’s Armed Forces and “Eastern Security Network (ESN).”

About two years ago, former President Olusegun Obasanjo was fair and bold to declare that there has been a Conspiracy Policy to persecute the Igbo people of Nigeria by successive Nigerian governments, which started after Nigeria’s civil war, otherwise called Biafra war. Obasanjo did not say anything new; he only stated the obvious fact, which is evident in every federal policy of Nigeria since 1967. The only new addition to this fact is that the persecution has tremendously escalated since the coming of Buhari’s presidency. The escalation is the result of another fact that Buhari is an ethno-religious bigot who, apparently, harbors special hatred for the igbo race. He has shown these two facts in all manner of ways, including his unbelievable appointment of Fulani Muslims in most key positions in his government; his obvious circumvention of Igbos in his few non-Fulani appointments; absence of federal projects in Igbo land; repressive and suppressive actions of Nigeria’s Armed Forces against the Igbos.

There are too many more incidents of Buhari’s general extreme ethno-religious bigotry and his general nepotism. But, let’s cut it short and focus on the key topic of this blog, which was inspired by the contents of AIT’s interview with the President General of the “Eastern Union Congress” on January 29, 2021. I speak of Buhari’s apparent special hatred for the Igbo race, and I start with his proscription of the IPOB organization when it was not bearing arms, vis-à-vis his legitimization of the globally proscribed terrorist group named Miyetti Allah, the leaders of which have on several occasions openly endorsed the atrocities of its killer Fulani herdsmen around Nigeria. A prominent instance was when Miyetti Allah boldly justified the slaughter of farmers in Benue State by Fulani herdsmen. One of their excuses was that farmers did not allow the herders to graze their cattle on their farms; another was that some people rustled some herders’ cattle. Any sane non-nepotic government would have promptly and swiftly arrested and imprisoned the Miyetti Allah leaders for such unbelievable evil comparison of human lives to cattle, and open endorsement of murders with impunity, meeeeeeeen!!!

In my objectivity and fairnesss, I am always quick to mention that millions of Fulanis in Nigeria are wonderful, great peace-loving people. The fact that Buhari has emboldened and empowered some evil jihadists to foment trouble and commit atrocities must not be allowed to shroud this fact on our minds. I was just reading a 2018 writing of one great sincere, courageous, peace-loving Fulani man, one Dr. Nura Alkali, who is (or at least was in 2018 when he wrote the piece) a Consulting Physician at the Ahmadu Bello University Teaching Hospital. He abhors Buhari’s empowerment of groups such as Miyetti Allah and FUNAM in their jihadist evil acts. Besides, I do personally know several Fulanis (some of them friends), who are angry that Buhari’s bigotry has brought hatred on the entire Fulani race.

Anyway, the comparative point here is that Buhari proscribed the IPOB that was only agitating for Republic of Biafra in the face of clear, unbearable persecution or victimization of the Igbo race by Nigeria, which he has tremendously heightened since he became president. Initially, when Buhari proscribed IPOB as a terrorist group, its members were not bearing arms, and that was the same time that he legitimized his tribe’s Miyetti Allah whose killer herdsmen members were (and are still) OPENLY carrying AK-47 rifles slung over their shoulders in broad daylight—not even making any effort to conceal them—because Nigeria’s security agencies allow them to bear arms. What a contradictory, nepotic, heinous sin!!!

 Our so-called Vice President, Professor Osinbajo, once openly told us that we must try and understand, sympathize with, and accommodate the herdsmen and their ways. And, Buhari’s media man, Femi Adesina, concurred by telling us in his fucked-up semantics and phraseology to surrender our lands to the herdsmen for grazing, in order to avoid being massacred. Here’s a link to one of the several sites that still have Adesina’s mad statement: https://www.vanguardngr.com/2018/07/giving-land-ranching-better-death-presidency/amp/

Note that I advisedly say that “Buhari proscribed IPOB when members were not bearing arms.” It can be effectively argued that his government’s act of permitting Fulani herdsmen to carry AK-47 rifles has pushed IPOB to the matching-illegality of bearing arms. And, many Nigerians justify IPOB’s arms now, considering that the Fulani herdsmen who IPOB wants to protect Igbos from openly bear AK-47 rifles, and IPOB cannot challenge the AK-47-toting killer herdsmen unarmed.

In furtherance of the wide allegation that too many members of Buhari’s governmen support Fulanization jihad, it is currently trending in the news that, few days back, some Nigerian soldiers tortured farmers in Ogun state who challenged Fulani herdsmen against grazing their cattle on their farms. Naturally, the community petitioned some authorities; and now, the story has it that the soldiers have gone back to force the petitioners to recant their petition, or suffer some consequences. I was not there as a witness, so, I can’t speak authoritatively. I can only ask in amazement: Did this truly happen? Here is one link to the latest news on the matter—“Army/herdsmen Connivance: Soldiers Force Victim To Retract Torture Accusation”: http://opr.news/471ec472210131en_ng?client=news

 I trust that you know that some of this kind of news is often not carried on Nigeria’s traditional mainstream broadcast TV and Radio stations due to Buhari’s military autocracy in a so-called democracy. Mr. LIAR Mohammed and Nigeria Communications Commission (NCC) have succeeded to cow the stations to stop, or, at least drastically cut down on reporting the herdsmen’s atrocities!!! The government is using unconstitutional, therefore illegal NCC CODE to suppress not just the herdsmen atrocities news, but all other factual news items that make Buhari’s government to look bad. I trust that you still remember that NCC, unconstitutionally, slammed financial sanctions on AIT and two other TV stations for carrying the October 20, 2020 shooting of protesters by soldiers at Lekki Toll Gate in Lagos. The video clips carried by AIT and the others were live-streamed, therefore near-impossible to alter, but the idiotic crooks that run Nigeria’s public information space (LIAR Mohammed and NCC DG) insisted that it was “fake news.” They tried that shit on CNN, whose management, literarily, told Liar Mohammed to go to hell and fuck himself. Whatever FACT that makes Buhari’s government to look bad, LIAR Mohammed and his evil propaganda gang call “Fake News.” This has become their language to repress and suppress public information. They are now doing everything possible to also repress the Social Media with their evil non-democratic gagging policies.

 Liar Mohammed and NCC do not want the media houses to report Fulani herdsmen jihadist activities.  Their excuse is that the media are “heating up the polity” (another one of their stupid anti-democracy phrases), but those of us who are not stupid or hypocritical know that he is only suppressing the public outcry that Buhari’s government is apparently supporting the jihadist Fulani herdsmen. No wonder, you have not seen on mainstream media the above referenced trending Social Media story that soldiers allegedly tortured farmers in Ogun state, who barred Fulani herdsmen from grazing cattle on their farmlands.

And, yes, I have blogged several times that the agitation for the right for a Biafra nation is very, very, very justifiable in the face of the current escalation of the evil policy of victimization of the Igbo people since the inception of Buhari’s presidency. Most Igbos, including I, did not really want Biafra, until Buhari came into power with his obvious hatred of the Igbos. I have objectively posited several times that Nnamdi Kanu’s IPOB approach is fucked up, especially for the fact that he initially incited some unarmed fools to challenge Nigeria’s Armed Forces without arms, while he, like a total coward, ran away to safety. I maintained (and still maintain), that no hero runs away to safety, leaving his colleagues or followers behind to suffer the consequences of his actions.

To talk about true heroism, I compared Kanu to persons like the Biafra war hero, Emeka Odumegwu Ojukwu (who Kanu wants to emulate); Nelson Mandela in the Apartheid South Africa era; and persons like Asari Dokubo, Ken Sarowiwa, Adaka Boro, and Tom Polo, in the days of Niger Delta liberation struggle. And, currently, Sunday Igboho is a hero in his position against killer herdsmen in southwest Nigeria. These were/are persons who were/are PERSONALLY INVOLVED in the struggles that they believed/believe in, unlike Kanu who challenged the military and ran away at the first sign of trouble. This portrayed him as a man who is interested in making name and money at the expense of his followers.

Unfortunately, however, thanks to Buhari’s extreme nepotism and apparent protection of, or support to killer herdsmen, many Igbos who disagreed with Kanu’s IPOB are now beginning to agree with him, because, he is now protecting the Igbos from jihadist killer herdsmen. So, the fact is that the “Eastern Security Network (ESN)” is currently effectively fighting the jihadist killer herdsmen of Buhari’s tribe in Igbo land. ESN is said to be an arm of IPOB, and, guess what, as much as I hated to support anything by Kanu, I do support the ESN now, as long as it sticks to the job of protecting the Igbo people against the onslaught of jihadist Fulani killer herdsmen and other criminals, and nothing else. And, as long as ESN does nothing but protect the Igbos, sending Nigeria’s Armed Forces to attack ECN apparently demonstrates earlier claim by President Obasanjo, Retired General TY Danjuma, and other Nigerians, that Buhari has a Fulanization jihadist agenda in Nigeria. In addition, Buhaari’s government is lending credence to the position of many Nigerians that he has special hatred for the Igbos, because, among all the vigilante organizations in Nigeria (several in the north, and the “Amotekun” in the southwest), his Armed Forces are only attacking the ones in Igbo land, who are protecting the Igbo people against jihadist Fulanis.

Just check this out in comparison, will you: Sunday Igboho and his team of heroes of the Yoruba tribe boldly and openly confronted the Sarkin Fulani and killer herdsmen in Oyo State just last week, and Buhari’s Armed Forces did not attack them. Instead, a delegation of the globally proscribed terrorist Miyetti Allah organization that Buhari has illegally constituted as another arm of Nigeria’s government was sent for a peace talk. But as soon as the ESN challenged killer herdsmen who killed farmers in Orlu in Imo state in Igbo land few days later, the Armed Forces swooped on them, with casualties that included innocent Igbo women and children. Also, the soldiers were said to damage several property of innocent Igbo persons, meeeeen!!!

Note that, in addition to what I see on social media, some citizens of Ogun state and Imo state, who are fans of “No Bullshitting” Blog, sent me their “eye witness” reports about the alleged torture by soldiers in Ogun state, and some soldiers’ nepotic attack on ESN in Imo state.


It is treacherous and sad that too many southern leaders seem to support or succumb to the killer herdsmen’s atrocities in various ways due to their selfish evil ambitions. Bola Ahmed Tinubu, for instance, refuses to say a word in the raging debate about the herdsmen in the southwest where he is a major force. He has benefited immensely at the expense of the Yoruba people; but, at a time like this when the Yoruba race needs him, he keeps mute. This is apparemtly for the reason that the motherfucker has the ambition to become president of Nigeria in 2023, so, he does not want to say anything that may anger Buhari who he hopes to support his ambition. I have to ask, what the fuck is this man going to do with more money and more power in his life at his present age, huh? He is an elder, and has been an illegal godfather in the Yoruba politics for ever; and, he already owns half of the Yoruba land and wealth all by himself. When the hell is the motherfucker gonno start behaving like an Elder Statesman in the interest of his Yoruba people and stop grabbing for more money and more power, meeeeeeeeeen?!!!

As for Igbo leaders, there are too many traitors or sell-outs to count. But my present interest is the current state governors who have refused to establish security outfits in the southeast to curb the jihadist activities of the killer herdsmen in particular, and other criminals in general. Once upon a blog after the establishment of the southwest “Amotekun,” I called the southeast governors all manner of deserved names, including sell-outs and cowards. These are what they are, and more!!! The southwest governors legitimately, courageously, and effectively challenged the illegal pronouncement by the nation’s Minister of Justice against the establishment of “Amotekun.” Rather than follow suit, the southeast governors have been busy cowardly begging the Police Inspector General and the globally proscribed terrorist Miyetti Allah organization for permission to establish similar outfit. Like the southwest governors, the southeast governors do have the constitutional power to establish security outfits as the Chief Security Officers of their states. They fail to do this for two reasons, thus: Some of them won’t dare because they are cowards, while others refrain because, like Tinubu, they are traitors and sell-outs who do not want to offend Buhari, as they scheme for his support to become president or vice-president in 2023.

My anger against the southeast governors is rekindled now because, unfortunately and sadly, their cowardice and evil treacherous positions have made it necessary for ordinary citizens to establish the “Eastern Security Network (ESN)” to fill the security vacuum. And, unfortunately, once again, the Armed Forces of Nigeria have an evil excuse to attack the ECN operatives who are defending the Igbo people from killer jihadist herdsmen in Igbo land. The Nigerians who support the actions of the Armed Forces argue that the ESN has no state laws backing it. But, this excuse is definitely not excusable or tenable either, because, there are so many vigilante groups in northern Nigeria, which are not backed by the kind of state laws that legitimize “Amotekun.” Buhari’s Armed Forces have not attacked any of those unlegislated outfits. Therefore, many have posited (because it is apparent, actually), that Buhari’s government looks for any and every excuse to pounce on Igbo people and massacre as many as it can. These are not Harry Agina’s words, mind you!

Besides massacring unarmed IPOB members in his evil “Python Dance,” the  now retired incompetent General Buratai was only able to kill unarmed peaceful protesters at Lekki Toll Gate in Lagos. But the motherfucker could not do shit to the Boko Haram terrorists who were his only constitutional assignment.  Now, his cowardly foundation of killing innocent citizens is happening again against the ESN outfit that is protecting Igbos against the onslaught of jihadist Fulani herdsmen.

My final editorial addition to all the allegations against Buhari is this: If he is not personally in support of all the jihadist atrocities of Fulani herdsmen, Miyetti Allah, FUNAM, his Armed Forces, and other accused persons and groups, then, he must take a decissive step to stop the bullshit. He cannot possibly deny the knowledge of all these atrocities…and, I know, that you know, that I ain’t bullshitting ya, meeeeeeeeeen!!!

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